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2019 春天的愿望 Spring Wishes


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Riding on the success of the 2018 Queenzy and Friends 今年你最好 album, Queenzy Cheng (莊群施) is set to release her 2019 Spring Wishes (春天的愿望) album in December 2018. The 2019 Spring Wishes album features Veron Lin (练倩汶) from Q-Genz, Tedd Chan (曾国辉) and Malaysian Youtuber PongPong – Gaston Pong (庞圭武) and Jeii Pong (庞捷忆). Continuing the love story with Prosperity God (Tedd) from the previous album, Queenzy will now play the role as his spouse and assistant.

Expected album delivery date – Week 4, December 2018

Set A – RM39
DVD + CD + Ang Pow Packets / 红包封 (5 pcs) + Poster / 海报 + 1 包 Celebeaute Tx

Set B – RM69
DVD + CD + Ang Pow Packets / 红包封 (5 pcs) + Notepad / 记事本 + Poster / 海报 + 7 包 Celebeaute Tx

Set C – RM99
DVD + CD + Ang Pow Packets / 红包封 (5 pcs) + Notepad / 记事本 + Poster / 海报 + 1 盒 Celebeaute Tx (15 sachets)

Set D – RM169
DVD + CD + Ang Pow Packets / 红包封 (5 pcs) + Notepad / 记事本 + Poster / 海报 + 7 包 Celebeaute Tx + 1 罐 Celebeaute Collagen (300g) + 1 个 Celebeaute 限量版水瓶

Set E – RM269
DVD + CD + Ang Pow Packets / 红包封 (5 pcs) + Notepad / 记事本 + Poster / 海报 + 1 盒 Celebeaute Tx (15 sachets) + 1 罐 Celebeaute Collagen (300g) + 1 个 Celebeaute 限量版水瓶 + 1 只 Crown & Hertz 限量版手表

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Set A, Set B, Set C, Set D, Set E

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