CeleBeaute Tx boasts a botanical complex powered by NutroxSun – a breakthrough skin protective active complex that helps to providing sun protection from within. Enhanced with patented rose petal extract, sakura extract, bird nest extract, and acerola extract, CeleBeaute Tx offers the ultimate solution to nurture fairer, clearer and healthier skin.
CeleBeaute Tx成分以NutroxSun为主,辅以植物复合配方。此突破性护肤活性由内至外为身体提供防晒保护。除此之外,CeleBeauteTx也含专利玫瑰花瓣提取物、樱花提取物、燕窝提取物和针叶樱桃粉,为白皙、透亮、健康亮丽肌肤带来最佳的解决方案。